
Describe charlotte perkins gilmans theory of gender

Please write a full 5 pageessay of text (not including reference page) double spaced


APA format (APA requires a page number after the author name- not the year)

Please use our text and minimum two other academic resources that anyone can retrieve free from the internet. Our text book is:Ritzer, George. Classical Sociological Theory, 6th Edition. McGraw-Hill Learning Solutions, 04/2010.


Topic A:

Using at least two academic sources in addition to our text, compare and contrast Gilman's theory as to the oppression of women in patriarchy with Marx's theory as to how and why workers are oppressed under capitalism. What similarities do you see in their arguments?

What are the differences in these two theories of oppression?


Topic B:

Using at least two academic sources in addition to our text, compare and contrast Simmel's notion of the stranger with Du Bois's notion of double consciousness. What similarities do these concepts share? How are they different? Be sure to discuss Du Bois concept of the veil.

This Assignment MUST meet the following course objectives:

• Compare Simmel's individual culture and objective culture to Weber's iron cage.

• Describe Charlotte Perkins Gilman's theory of gender stratification in relation to the economy and the family and compare it to Marx's analysis of the labor relations in capitalist society.

• Explain the meaning of Feminist Standpoint Theory and offer an analysis of how it offers insight into the work of DuBois.

• Interpret Du Bois's theoretical contributions in the area of race, particularly the concepts of the veil and double consciousness.

• Explain how group size and social distance affect social interaction.

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Dissertation: Describe charlotte perkins gilmans theory of gender
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