
Describe changes experienced by colville native americans


Arrival of white settlers, new political and social boundaries


  • Mourning Dove, Introduction & pages 3-69;
  • Lydia Allen Rudd, "Diary of Westward Travel";
  • Phoebe Goodell Judson, A Pioneer's Search for an Ideal Home (Judson, along with her husband, moved to the Northwest in the 1850s - for some background on her experiences click here);
  • Treaty of Medicine Creek (this was the treaty signed by the U.S. government with Native American groups in the southern part of the Puget
  • Sound region in 1854);
  • Portland, 1850s;
  • Optional reading in Schwantes, The Pacific Northwest, 83-123

Please read carefully:

You MUST follow the requirements of the assignment (see below) if you want to maximize your chances of scoring well.

Using specific evidence from the section of Mourning Dove: A Salishan Autobiography assigned for Week 3, describe TWO of the major changes experienced by the Colville Native Americans in the 19th century. What drove these changes and to what extent did they transform Colville society and culture? How did the Colvilles respond to these changes?

The following are the requirements for the assignment:

1. Your answer should be between half a page and one page in length, typed double space.

2. You MUST use evidence from the required reading and you MUST provide citations in the text of your homework to the evidence you are using to support your response to the question.

3. Watch for incorrect grammar, spelling, etc. The quality and clarity of your writing will play a role in the grade you earn on assignments.

4. Use PAST TENSE! (but don't change quotes).

5. Don't use your personal voice: E.g. avoid "I think" or "in my opinion."


- Use where paraphrasing weakens the idea.

- Not too long - keep to 2 lines or less.

- All quotes should have a transition or introduction - they can't just be inserted in a paragraph as a standalone sentence.

The assignment is due at the start of class onFriday, Jan. 17. Homework assignments must be submitted in hard copy at the start of class on the day they are due - I won't accept late assignments, except in cases of documented emergency.

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