Describe both the formal and informal communication methods

Research your chosen company. Find a minimum of one library source, which will support your thesis in this assignment. Review your assigned weekly lecture and text reading. Select from this reading 3-5 key concepts, which will also support your thesis. In a two to three page paper, address the questions below. Your paper should follow APA format including a title and reference page. The two to three page paper length requirement does NOT include the title page and reference page. Refer to your classroom area titled South University Policies and Guideline: Using APA Standards in Your Coursework to ensure you are following the correct format.

Describe both the formal and informal communication methods within the organization. Address whether or not the organization uses effective communication techniques. Evaluate the role culture plays in both the formal and informal methods of communication. Make recommendations for improvement for both informal and formal communications. Describe how the organization uses teams. Evaluate the effectiveness of the use of teams based on the model of team effectiveness described by Daft.

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Business Management: Describe both the formal and informal communication methods
Reference No:- TGS01222058

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2/26/2016 2:40:45 AM

Select a company of your own preference and illustrate both the formal and informal communication processes within the organization. Address whether or not the organization employs efficient communication methods. Assess the role culture plays in both the formal and informal methods of communication. Make suggestions for enhancement for both informal and formal communications. Illustrate how the organization utilizes teams. Assess the efficiency of the use of teams based on the model of team efficiency illustrated. The paper must follow APA style comprising a title and reference page.