
Describe biosocial-cognitive and psychosocial development


Choose at least two classmates posts to respond. Did they describe how biosocial, cognitive and psychosocial development are affected by historical context? Based on their answers what other contexts might have affected their development? Remember, you are not just telling them good job on their post. You need to speak to the answer they gave to the questions.

Biosocial, in my era growing up, I was too young for the diet fads. I remember the whole Richard Simmons workouts, Jenny Craig diet, weight watchers and Atkins diet. But culturally, I come from a Mexican family. My grandmother would make sure we ate, but if we gained the slightest bit of weight or she felt like we were wearing clothes that she felt made us look "fat; she would comment to my mother. And my mom always told us we were okay in our weight range and to not listen to our grandmother. But this can show you, as a 9 year old child, how it haunts you growing up; I still remember as a 28 year old.

Cognitively, I thank my mother for always exposing me to different settings. She made school important and was always a parent who was involved. I thank her more, for making me an active child, putting me in different activities like dance and cheer. It helped expose me to the community and other ethnicities/race. I feel that is where I learned and took a liking to performing. As I grew older, in elementary, I learned to play an instrument. Jr high I was in the marching band and in high school I joined the color guard. Best experiences I have ever had!

Psychosocial, as some have referenced to 9/11, I find it interesting to see how everyone has been affected by it. That event was traumatizing for me; I feel as if, that is where I started with anxiety. I can play every moment of that more in my head and days to follow as I watched the news. I remember even the smallest details of what I was wearing that day. I also acquired the fear of flying and having to be on a plane with nowhere to go. Now, the new thing that has added to my fear and anxiety, is sadly, we live in the era of mass shootings. Everyone has many different experiences, upbringings, and opinions that have shaped their development. Historical context can definitely affect someone's development.

Development is formed with many factors and one factor is historic context. I believe historic context has a huge impact on development. In chapter 1 there is an activity that explains data about marijuana and how it was viewed in society. According to the data after marijuana was made illegal, there were negative graphic imaginary to contain the fear that marijuana is bad. As time went on the fear slowly died down after the imagines went away. Using the example from chapter 1, I was born 1987, I believed that marijuana was bad substance because I lived with my grandmother with was born in 1945. Since my grandmother was born in a time where marijuana was viewed as a threat she made sure I knew it was something bad. As I grew up I was able to form my own opinion about it because of friends who did it, news, and research. While reading the activity I was able to understand where her fear came from and how historic context affected both of us.

Biosocial, cognitive and psychosocial development are all affected by historic context. Biosocial development was affected for me because my view was distorted by my grandmothers view, even though marijuana is a mind changing substance , I should remember to look into things before having an uneducated opinion. My cognitive thinking was affected because I was using reasoning until I was older and I was able to process. Society was in control of the historic context with a fear based theme which created a negative Psychosocial development. Development is created by many factors and one if historic context which creates a view society wants your to think.

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Business Law and Ethics: Describe biosocial-cognitive and psychosocial development
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