
Describe bilateral trade between the us


What has been the Impact of the free trade agreement signed by Latin American Countries and the US.? The U.S. signed a Free Trade Agreement with Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica Dominican Republic, EI SaIvador, Guatemala, Honduras, costa Rica, EI Salvador, Guatemala. Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and Panama. Peru. Choose one of the country.

I. What are the tenns of the agreement? What good/services have low or no tariff? What goods/services are not included in the free trade agreement? Why are those goods excluded?

2. Were policies towards FDI included in the free trade agreement? Has your country, become more open to EDI? Explain.

3. Describe bilateral trade between the US and Your Chosen Country in terms of exports and imports from date of the agreement to 2016.

4. What industries had high tariffs in Your Chosen Country and did they open to trade with the US? Which ones?

5. What industries had high tariffs in the U.S. and did they opened to trade with Your Chosen Country? Which ones?

6. Describe industries that are most affected by the free trade agreement. What industries export most from Your Chosen Country to the US between the date of the agreement to 2016? What industries import most from US to Your Chosen Country from date of the agreement to 2016?

7. What has happened to FDI in Your Chosen Country from the date of the agreement to 2016? Did the agreement have any effects on FDI? Explain using Data.

8. What are the characteristics of US workers who benefited by the trade agreement with your chosen country?

9. What are the characteristics of Your Chosen Country's workers who benefited by the trade agreement with US?

10 Compare education levels and wages of workers in the US and Your Chosen country. Is there any evidence of changes in employment and wages due to the agreement?

11. Has the trade agreement benefited your chosen country? Describe changes in GDP growth rates from date of the agreement to 2016.

12. As a policy advisor, based on your findings, would you left the president of Your Chosen Country that the Free Trade Agreement with the U.S. was a good policy?

13. For groups of 3 students - Add question 13

Provide a case study of 2 different Multinationals in your country. One firm should be domestically owned and one firm should be a U.S. owned firm with an affiliate in your country.

a) Describe the Farm. Provide information on location, type of industry, employment and profitability. Do they export or sells in the domestic market?

b) What happened to your firm as a result of the Free trade Agreement? Has the firm increased sales or employment during this period?

c) Has the firm expanded by increasing number of stores domestically or in the U.S (it' it has a U.S. presence)?

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Macroeconomics: Describe bilateral trade between the us
Reference No:- TGS01942788

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