
Describe azure resources and resource groups


1. Describe how cloud virtualization would benefit the industry you are in. If you are not in an industry, choose an industry you are interested in and describe that.

2. Describe the difference between IaaS, PaaS, SaaS. Be sure to include specific details to prove your point.

3. Write about which of the certifications discussed in the video azure certifications you would be interested in taking.

4. Describe the concept of an SLA as it pertains to the cloud. How are the different "nine"s important?

5. Describe Azure resources and resource groups. What is the difference between the two? How does this help with the organization?

6. Describe the different types of virtual machines? Discuss why some are more expensive than others? Which series is good for those wanting to use GPU? Which series offer a High CPU. Pick another type of VM and describe its primary attributes. What would you use it for?

7. Describe a machine scale set in your own words. Where could you see this type of tech being used?

8. Describe the difference between a public and private IP in Azure. Does one cost more than another? Is one more stable than another? Give an example of when you would use each?

9. Open a browser and go to Build a fictitious list of systems that a business may need to operate. Price out the build and submit a screenshot of your cost.

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Computer Network Security: Describe azure resources and resource groups
Reference No:- TGS03225311

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