Describe at least two things you could do to engage


Answer the following five questions in your essay:

A. Identify and explain the current TEXAS law regarding the selection of judges in Texas.

B. Identify and explain at least two other types of judicial selection processes used in the U.S.

C. Choose whichever judicial selection method you think is best and give at least two criteria, explaining how and why you chose it. Possible criteria include: impartiality/independence, accountability, and competence of judges.

D. Describe who may or may not benefit from the position you take in question (C) above. Consider the impact on political parties, justices and the individuals in the Texas court system. Also, consider the effect in other areas, e.g., economic, political, and social.

E. Describe at least two things you could do to engage the political process in Texas in pursuit of your position in 3) above, be specific. Content requirements

F. Cite at least three reliable, quality references, i.e. (2 quality articles + class textbook = 3 quality references) within the body of the paper, using the Chicago Manual of Style's parenthetical citation style.

G. You must have at least three parenthetical citations in the body of the paper that correctly match the sources properly formatted on the Works Cited Page.?

H. The works cited section (a.k.a. reference list, a.k.a. bibliography) at the end of the body can follow any format as long as you give me the name of the source, the author of the source, the date of publication and publisher in the format given below:

Author (Full name), Source ( Full Title), Date of Publication, Publisher

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History: Describe at least two things you could do to engage
Reference No:- TGS03346736

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