Locate a panel discussion on the internet
Directions: In 1-2 pages, review a panel discussion you found on the internet that you found interesting. In your response, address the following:
• Provide a summary of the topic and purpose of the panel discussion you chose to review.
• Describe at least three features of the presentation that could be improved.
• Describe at least three features of the presentation that were done well.
• Reference your Vasile text to support your reasoning.
• Provide the link and APA citation for the panel discussion you reviewed.
Criteria Needs to be met:
1.Paper provides summary of the topic and purpose of the panel discussion being reviewed.
2.Paper describes at least three features of the presentation that could be improved.
3.Paper describes at least three features of the presentation that were done well.
4.Paper references the Vasile text to support reasoning.
5.Paper provides link to the panel discussion being reviewed and includes an APA citation for the video.