Themes: Performance Measurements, Market Conditions and Dashboard Design
Chapter 3 (Supply Chain Design and Planning) of ebook, use this link and go to pages 30-49 of the ebook
A framework for supply chain performance measurement
Supply Chain Design and Analysis: Models and Methods
Supply Chain Dashboards and Design - 7 Key Features (trends and strategies
Where Supply Chain and the Market Meet
Supply Chain Management Key Challenges
Score-carding performance:
Learning Activity 1: Instructor Insights contain possible measures for use in a Purchasing Balanced Scorecard. No one measure fits all scorecards.
For each of the 4 quadrants (sections) of the purchasing unit scorecard, pick (or create) one measure of most value to the VP SC in a firm of your choice. Be sure to explain your reasoning.
Learning Activity 2: Describe at least 3 relevant performance measures you might employ to ensure that you satisfy your final project assignment for next week on time, with quality, and completely.