
Describe artificial intelligence in tourism and hospitality

Assignment Task: My topic is Technology

Artificial Intelligence in tourism and hospitality

The internet of things with relation to T, H and E

VR and AR in tourism and hospitality

Smart tourism/smart cities

(700-800 words)

The report should be an analytical report on a trend or issue that has been studied in class. The topic has already been researched by each student through the compilation of an Annotated Bibliography in Assessment 2. An example of a topic could be the issue of cultural sensitivities whereby difficulties that can exist between tourists of different cultures or between visitors and host communities are explored.

The report needs to contain the following elements:

Title page (including subject, title, students' names, ID numbers, due date and lecturer name)

Executive Summary (10 % of word count)

Table of Contents


Body - analysis of issue from academic and industry perspectives


Reference List, and


The research report should be an analysis of the topic separated into sections by the use of headings and subheadings. An example of this is illustrated here:

Topic: Dark Tourism - Some of the headings and subheadings to use for this topic could be - Definitions and background, tourist motivations, the visitor experience, challenges

You will be expected to use all the sources you have identified in Assessment and use these through the report at the appropriate points to support your analysis.

1. As a group, develop a structure of your report with headings and sub-headings.

2. Choose which part of the report you will be responsible for and write this into your Group Contract - consider one person being the editor and putting the report together, ensuring consistency in writing. Allocate approximate word count to each section.

3. Read through the Annotated Bibliography and select relevant resources for your part of the report. You may need to search for more resources.  As a minimum, aim to use 10 resources from the groups collective Annotated Bibliography and 15 resources in total.

4. Start writing your part - it doesn't matter if it is not perfect but it is important to start writing, often your thoughts develop as you write.

5. Make sure you keep to the word count.

6. Ensure that sharing of written parts is done regularly before the final draft and that the final draft is sent by Thursday of Week 3 at the latest to the editor or person in charge of proof-reading and Executive Summary

7. Report needs to be proof read and an Executive Summary written (200 words)

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Other Management: Describe artificial intelligence in tourism and hospitality
Reference No:- TGS03381688

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