For your third Article Review, you may choose either Article 14 or Article 16 from the Helmick & Petersen text.
You will be responsible for writing four Article Reviews that are based on articles chosen from the Helmick & Petersen text. You'll notice that the make-up of this assignment is exactly like that of the thread in your Discussion Board assignments:
• Include an overview of the problem area discussed in the article.
• Summarize any theories or conclusions reached by the author.
• Briefly provide your own assessment of the article, evaluating its strengths and weaknesses.
• Explain how the article relates contributes towards the field of conflict management.
Each Article Review should be no more than two pages (double-spaced) in a Word document and adhere to MLA style. Before you begin your Article Review, make sure you check the Assignments folder in Modules/Weeks 2, 4, 6, and 8 to see which article you should be reading.