
Describe any similarities between each osi layer and the


You live in Omaha, and you are a secret agent. You need to send a three page letter to another secret agent in Blair. You decide to send each page separately because of the highly secret nature of the message. And, you decide to encrypt the message. You send the three pages as registered mail, which requires receipts from the recipient.

Describe any similarities between each OSI layer and the secret letter being sent to your fellow agent. A hint for several of the layers: Think about the address on an envelope. What part(s) are similar to the idea of a data frame? What parts are similar to the idea of an IP address?






Don't worry about this layer. Models aren't perfect, and this layer doesn't work well for our secret agent example.





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Computer Networking: Describe any similarities between each osi layer and the
Reference No:- TGS01351422

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