
Describe any impacts of the addition of the system analyst

Assessment- individual case study

Product Development Case Description


CQ Learning Management (CQLM) develops educational IT software as a part of its project management portfolio. EduSyd, an education institution, has approached CQLM to discuss the development of a learning & management system to facilitate a secure online learning management environment for its students and academic staff.

You have been employed at CQLM for several years as a Project Manager. Your Program Manager, Mr. George Rafael has assigned you for the initial investigation and to liaise with the customer. Two other employees from CQLM will assist you in this initial phase.

Ms. Jane Citizen (you) - Project Manager

Mr. Tony Lin - Business Analyst

Ms. Ash Fernandez - Systems Analyst

After the preliminary meetings, you have the following information about your customer and its requirements.

1. EduSyd is a private education provider operating in a major Australian city.

2. EduSyd has approximately 1000 students (both male and female) enrolled in its school education program. These students are enrolled at both at primary and secondary (high school) levels.

3. There are over 40 teachers, and about 6 management and administrative staff members.

4. The Executive Management of EduSyd has identified the need to introduce an online learning and management system so that the teaching and learning process can be more effective.

5. EduSyd sees this project as an opportunity to adopt Web 2.0 technologies used by many of its competitors in both public and private education systems.

6. As a starting point, an online discussion forum (EduSydLMS) will be developed. It will be used by different classes/courses.

7. EduSydLMS will be deployed in a secure online environment (school students are considered as ‘children' in the Australian education system).

8. EduSyd would like to use this application in in its year 9 and 10 classes by the end of Term 1 in 2016.

9. If the initial experience (point 8 above) is successful, the EduSydLMS will be released to other classes/courses from mid-2016.

10. Points 8 and 9 above are not included in this project.

After the initial consultations and considerations, you have advised your Program Manager that it is feasible to develop an educational online discussion forum. This forum (EduSydLMS) will be used by teachers and students in various different classes and courses. Therefore, EduSydLMS should support various multi-media tools and other required functionality used for learning management processes. Basic requirements about the users and the tool have been identified. Further investigation will be required to identify specific requirements.
Mr. Lin and Ms. Fernandez have provided you with the basic information to develop a preliminary project plan. They include a work breakdown structure (WBS) covering the various activities and tasks, resource requirement estimations, and some dependencies (Table 1 below). An Activity-In-Box (AIB) network diagram covering the Online User Manual development process is in Figure 1.

Table 1: Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)







To be completed at Milestone


   EduSyd LMS Business and Functional Requirements


15 days





       Project kick-off meeting

Meeting with senior management at EduSyd and CQLM. Estimated date (start date for the project) is 12/10/2015

1 day





       Requirements workshop planning

Planning of requirements workshop to gather specific details

3 days





       Requirements workshop

Workshop with stakeholder groups of EduSyd

1 day





       Requirements analysis and development


5 days





          Business requirements (BR) development

Analyse data from requirements workshop to develop business requirements

5 days


BA, PM (50%), EC (50%)



          Functional requirements (FR) development

Analyse data from requirements workshop to develop functional requirements

5 days


PM (50%), SA, EC (50%)



       Business and functional requirements approval

Finalisation of requirements, and meetings with senior management of CQLM and EduSyd for approval

5 days

1.4.1, 1.4.2




       Business and Functional Requirements approved

Management approval - no project resources required

0 days





   Technical Design of EduSydLMS


10 days





       Technical design planning

Planning meeting to develop technical specifications and structure of EduSydLMS

2 days





       Technical design development

development of the technical design

5 days





       Technical design approval

Finalisation of design, and meetings with senior management of CQLM and EduSyd for approval

3 days





       Technical design approved

Management approval - no project resources required

0 days





   EduSydLMS Application Development and Testing


85 days





       Application development planning

Project team and CQLM management briefing, and version 0.1 preparations

5 days





       EduSydLMS version 0.1 - development process


70 days





         Version 0.1 software development

Version 0.1 development by the application development team

70 days


BA (50%), SA (75%), SD1, SD2, SD3 (50%)



         Version 0.1 completed

Cannot be completed before finishing M4 and M5.

0 days

See Note




       Quality Assurance Testing (QAT)


42 days





          QAT Plan development

High level plan for the Quality Assurance Testing process to test version 0.1.

10 days


PM, TA, SA (25%), BA (25%)



          QAT Plan presentation

Meeting with ITDU management of CQLM for approval for the plan

5 days


PM, TA, SA (25%), BA (25%)



          QAT Plan finalised

Management approval after considering the QAT plan for 2 days

2 days





         Case study and script development

Develop the case scenarios and scripts to be used in QAT

10 days


BA (25%), EC, TA, TW



          Application testing (QAT)

Ongoing testing concurrent with development of version 0.1.

15 days


TA, SD3 (50%), AT



         Application testing (QAT) completed

EduSydLMS version 0.1 testing completed.

0 days





       Online User Manual (OUM)


17 days





       EduSydLMS application version 0.2 development


10 days





          EduSydLMS version 0.2 - application development process

Remedial actions from QAT and testing of updated EduSydLMS after incorporating OUM

10 days





         EduSydLMS ver 0.2 completed

EduSydLMS version 0.2 completed and ready for task 4.0.

0 days





   User Acceptance Testing (UAT)


12 days





       UAT planning

Develop high level plan and select test team members. Note: Task can begin after starting 3.5.1.

2 days





       UAT plan presented for approval

Meeting with senior management at EduSyd to seek approval for the user acceptance testing plan.

2 days





       UAT plan approved by customer

User Acceptance Testing criteria and plan approved by the customer

0 days





       UAT case study development

Scenarios and scripts to be used in test developed and finalised.

3 days





       User testing team information session

Familiarisation session for user test team

1 day





       User Acceptance Testing

Testing by key user groups to confirm the application meets their requirements

1 day





       UAT report preparation

UAT results collated and analysed to prepare the final report for customer.

2 days





       UAT report presented to customer

Meeting with senior management of CQLM and EduSyd to present the final report for acceptance.

1 day





       UAT report accepted by customer

UAT report accepted by customer as meeting their requirements.






   EduSydLMS version 1.0 completed and delivered to customer


3 days





       EduSydLMS version 1.0 completion and delivery to customer

Finalisation of EduSydLMS for delivery

3 days





       EduSydLMS version 1.0 delivered to customer

EduSyd management accepted delivery of completed EduSydLMS from CQLM

0 days




* Note the percentage allocations if a resource has a lower than 100% allocation in any of the tasks.

Figure 1 - Activity-in-Box Network Diagram for Online User Manual (OUM) Development (activity 3.4)

1584_Activity-in-Box Network Diagram for Online User Manual (OUM) Development.png

Figure 1 shows the tasks to be completed for developing the Online User Manual (OUM). The completed OUM will be delivered to the Application Development Team to be added to EduSydLMS. The OUM development (task 3.4.4) cannot start at least until 5 days after the Quality Assurance Testing has started (task 3.3.5 in Table 1). But it cannot also be completed until after M4. This lag is to ensure the availability of functionality to develop and test the OUM. Milestone 5 (Table 2) is a part of this activity.

Table 2: Project Milestones


Business and functional requirements approved


EduSydLMS technical design approved


EduSydLMS version 0.1 completed


Quality Assurance Testing (QAT) completed


Online User Manual completed


EduSydLMS version 0.2 completed


User Acceptance Testing (UAT) plan approved


UAT report accepted by the customer


EduSydLMS version 1.0 delivered to the customer

Table 3: Project resources and cost estimation


Number of resources required

Standard Cost per hour

Overtime Cost per hour

Project Manager (PM)




Business Analyst (BA)




Systems Analyst (SA)




Software Developer (SD)




Test Analyst (TA)




Application Tester (AT)




Technical Writer (TW)




Education Consultant (EC) - Subject Matter Expert and EduSyd Liaison.





Supplied by the customer at $0.00 cost to the project.

Standard working hours per week for each full time resource is 40 hours (8 hours x 5 days). The BA, SA, SDs, TA, AT and the TW will be assigned to the project from the IT Development Unit (ITDU) of CQLM on a cost recovery basis. The ITDU Manager (who will not be a part of the project team) has assured the availability of required resources, and the ability of staff selected to undertake the required tasks.

As per current planning, project will start on 12 October 2015 at CQLM's Project Office. There will be several public and company holidays in the schedule as follows:

24 December 2015 - 1 January 2016 (includes both days) - Christmas and New Year Holiday period;

26 January 2016 - Australia Day; 25 March 2016 - Good Friday; and 28 March 2016 - Easter Monday.

Approvals in the WBS above will be by senior management (of CQLM and/or EduSyd) who are not included as resources in the project. Their time is not included in the project costs.

You may need to make other assumptions to complete the estimated resource requirements, budget and the schedule. If so, list all assumptions at the beginning of your submission document (Word document).

Assessment Part A

For part A of the assessment you must complete the following tasks and questions. Read all the questions before you commence the tasks. The schedule is to be developed in an appropriately named Microsoft Project 2013 file (see below) and the questions are to be answered using Microsoft Word. As stated above, any assumptions must also be listed at the beginning of the Word document.

1.      You have been asked by your Program Manager to use Microsoft Project 2013 to develop the project schedule.

Based on the information in the case study description above (consider all details provided), develop Part A of the schedule in Microsoft Project 2013. Ensure the following:

a)      Add the project title (EduSyd Learning Management System - EduSydLMS) at the top of the task list as the Project Summary Task, and indent all other tasks and summary tasks according to the given WBS in Table 1.

b)      Include resource allocation details (note the percentage allocations for some resources in Table 1). Also see Table 3 for resource details - use the full title for resources.

c)      Make note of the holidays described in the "Project resources and cost estimation" section in page 6. Do not include them as working days in the schedule.

d)      Include the milestones identified in Table 2 as you develop the schedule. Highlight the milestones in the task list in yellow using the "background colour" icon on the task ribbon.  

e)      Use Microsoft Project 2013 to make sure that the critical path(s) are automatically displayed in red on the bars of the Gantt chart view of you schedule.

At this point there may be resource over allocation issues. Do not attempt to resolve these before answering question 2.  Save this version of your schedule in EduSydLMS_PartA1.mpp. You will be required to submit this file as part of your assignment submission.

2. Ignore any resource over allocations at this point. Answer the following questions based on your EduSydLMS_PartA1.mpp schedule  (assume that you have no resource constraints):

a)      How long will it take to complete the project?

b)      What are the start and finish dates of the project - see the starting date in page 3.

c)      List all the tasks that are on the critical path.

d)      Did the holidays make any difference to the end date of your project? Explain the reason.

e)      You have been asked to complete the project 1 week earlier by reducing the duration of some of the tasks in the project. Is it possible to reduce the duration of any tasks?

§  If it is possible to reduce the duration of any tasks, which tasks would you target for reduction and why? In your answer, discuss how you would reduce the duration of those tasks. Make specific recommendations.

§  If it is not possible to reduce the duration of any task, discuss the possible reasons. Outline the possible risks and consequences if the duration of any task is reduced. Identify specific tasks in this case.

3. Create a copy of EduSydLMS_PartA1.mpp in another file called EduSydLMS_PartA2.mpp. If there were any resource over-allocation issues, resolve these in this new EduSydLMS_PartA2.mpp without adding any additional resources. Save the "modified" version of EduSydLMS_PartA2.mpp.

a)      If you had any resource over-allocation issues, how did you use Microsoft Project 2013 to resolve those issues?

b)      In your Word document, list any tasks that are now displayed as "critical".

c)      Are there any impacts on the project duration and the end date as a result of resource constraints? Explain.

d)      Sometimes it is possible to resolve resource over-allocation issues by levelling within available slack. What impact does this have on your project schedule? (Hint: explain both advantages and disadvantages in your answer.)

4. As explained above, the Education Consultant will be assigned by the "customer". Except for tasks within activity 1, the customer needs advance notice of 5 working days before you require the involvement of this consultant.  Answer the following questions based on your EduSydLMS_PartA2.mpp schedule:

a)      Excluding any involvements in activity 1.1, according to the current schedule, what other dates would you expect the Educational Consultant to work on the project? Provide the WBS number and the dates.

b)      According to your schedule, when is the last date you need to give notice to the customer to request the availability of the consultant for activity 4?

c)      Add a "milestone" as a reminder of the last date you need to give notice to the customer for activity 4.  Highlight this new milestone in green in the task list, using the "background colour" icon on the task ribbon.

d)      Are there any more resources that may be needed from the customer? What are these resources, and for what task/s? (Assume these resources will not cost to the project).

5. Write a memo to Mr. Rafael outlining:

a)      the expected completion date of the project, assuming it commences at the start date given in the case scenario;

b)      the total duration of the project;

c)      an explanation of the main factors that cause the project to require that timeframe and any recommendations that you might make if time was a priority for the project;

d)      the estimated direct labour cost of the project (excluding the cost of the Educational Consultant). Present the costs in a table showing the costs for the following:


Cost ($)

Requirements Analysis


Technical Design


Application Development


Quality Assurance Testing


Online User Manual development


User Acceptance Testing


Total for the Project:


Assume that you will send the project schedule (EduSydLMS_PartA2.mpp) as an attachment to the memo.  The information in the memo should correspond to the attached schedule.

Instructions on how to create a Memo in MS Word:

MS Word 2013: File >> New >> Select from the available options or if not, enter Memo in the search field and press the Enter key. Select from the Inter-Office, Professional or Business memo options. Further information is available through Help.

MS Word 20007 or 2010: https://support.office.com/en-ca/article/Create-a-memo-a43de9c7-1916-45ee-873d-b1493d0fcf7e.

6. You have summarised the direct labour costs in question 5 above. Are there any additional costs associated with this project? Be as specific as possible in your answer.

7. Are there any other project related supporting activities, plans, events or tasks that you might have overlooked? If they were overlooked describe how this could impact on the project. (Aim to identify and discuss at least two.)

Assessment Part B

Mr. Rafael reviews your project schedule and requests that the System Analyst should be involved in the User Acceptance Testing (UAT) process. He has also asked you to reduce the time for Online User Manual plan and structure development (3.4.2) to 4 days. Additionally, he wants to include the BA and SA to be available at the delivery of EduSydLMS version 1.0 to the customer (activity 5).  

  1. Create a copy of EduSydLMS_PartA2.mpp in another file called EduSydLMS_PartB.mpp. Amend the project schedule in EduSydLMS_PartB.mpp incorporating the requested changes from Mr. Rafael.

Highlight all the changes in blue (including changes to predecessor relationships in other tasks). This is to aid your marker.

If necessary, resolve any resource over-allocations. Submit this file (EduSydLMS_PartB.mpp) as a part of your assignment submission.

2. Describe any impact(s) of each of the following on the project schedule:

a. The addition of the System Analyst to the User Acceptance Testing.

b. Any changes in duration of Online User Manual development.

c. Addition of resources to EduSydLMS 1.0 (activity 5).

Explain your answers.

3. Describe any impact(s) of each of the following on the project budget:

a. The addition of the System Analyst to the User Acceptance Testing.

b. Any changes in duration of Online User Manual development.

c. Addition of resources to EduSydLMS 1.0 (activity 5).

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Management Information Sys: Describe any impacts of the addition of the system analyst
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