
Describe any data preparation or recoding necessary and the

The role of social media in marketing

Background of the study (Introducing the topic of study-2 to 3 pages)
Statement of the Problem (Basic difficulty - area of concern, felt need and goal to be achieved)
Objectives/Purpose of the Study (Goal oriented-emphasizing practical outcomes that "may" occur)
Significance of the Study (relevance need-may overlap with the statement of problem)
Scope of the study (The key issues covered and period of the study)
Definition of Terms (Largely conceptual here-with citations; operational definitions may follow in Methodology Chapter)


Introduction (organization of the chapter - overview)
Review of Literature Summary (what is known and unknown about the topic)
Contribution of the Study (what this study will add to the field)
This chapter begins with an introduction that explains the purpose of the literature review and concludes with contribution to the study. The literature review should be carefully organized by subject headings, and the heading should mirror the research questions. The literature review establishes a context for the investigation. Various sources are used to identify important previous work. Significant findings and major conclusions from cited sources are evaluated and interpreted in terms of their impact on the present work. Each reference must have an APA citation and a full reference list at the end of the report.


Introduction (organization of the chapter - overview)
Research Questions
Null Hypotheses (if needed)
Research Methodology (quantitative, qualitative or mixed and briefly explain the Research Design adopted for the study)
Population and Sample (Define very specifically the population and sample of the study)
Instrumentation and Data Collection (tests, measures, observations, scales, and questionnaires, data collection and recording)
Data Analysis (statistical analysis or qualitative analysis explained in detail)
Reliability and Validity (here or as a subheading UNDER Instrumentation)
Ethical Considerations
Summary of Methodology
This chapter delineates, in detail, the ways in which the investigation will be conducted. Each step in implementing the inquiry is indicated, as well as a proposed schedule. The discussion should be sufficiently detailed to permit replication. Strategies to ensure reliability and validity are explained. Reasons why the method selected should yield answers to the stated problem are delineated. Be clear and thorough in the explanation of the chosen research method. The method, statistical techniques, purpose of the study, research questions, hypotheses, and title of the dissertation must all align.


Data Analysis
Describe any data preparation or recoding necessary
Give descriptive statistics first (percentages, frequencies; describe participants)
Research Questions/Null Hypotheses (Quantitative/Qualitative, one at a time)
Findings are presented in tables or charts when appropriate
Interpretation (ties together findings in relation to theory, review of literature, or rationale)
Summary of findings (review of study findings)
This chapter includes an objective presentation of the results or outcomes of the investigation. The data collected (if appropriate) are organized and presented to reveal their meaning. Their treatment is described clearly, concisely, and systematically. The text is supplemented with tables, figures, and charts when appropriate. A more complete reporting of data (large tables, description of all variables) can be given in an appendix.

The data analysis findings should be presented in order of the questions/hypotheses. It may be appropriate to list the research question, then related null hypotheses one at a time, with the data analysis write up following each null hypothesis. Factual information should be kept separate from interpretation, inference, and evaluation (one section for findings and one section for interpretation or discussion). It is essential to bring references from Chapter II in to support your findings and help validate your research. Results are derived logically and coherently from the analysis.


Introduction (brief introduction about this chapter)
Recommendations (practical suggestions for implementation of findings or additional research, the recommendations should be specific and based on the findings of the study)

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Dissertation: Describe any data preparation or recoding necessary and the
Reference No:- TGS02206495

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