Applying Advertising and Marketing Theory
Using the 3 ads you assessed last week, analyze them based on a model from advertising like Hierarchy of Effects or possibly persuasion - Elaboration Likelihood Model. This requires research on the models and professional attribution of the sources.
Using one of the advertising models mentioned above, analyze the techniques being used in the three ads.
Since you are engaging in research, be sure to attribute the sources in a professional manner.
NOTE: each week, interact with different class members rather than always communicating with the same two people
Describe and understand the benefits of branding, brand attributes, and significance of brand equity.
Predict and understand the leveraging of brand as a sustainable competitive advantage.
Execute a working knowledge of designing and developing successful brands.
Interactive Reply Student 1:
Critique one classmate's analysis. Is there a connection between the theory and the ads?
Interactive Reply Student 2:
Select another student's analysis, and discuss how the findings can be applied by a brand manager in the marketing communications of the brand.
The two interactive posts should be substantive in nature and showcase mastery of the concepts and your professional marketing and business communication skills. Apply your knowledge. Do not simply state that it is a good or bad idea, specify why and be detailed in your explanation.
In your own words, please post a main discussion post and comment on at least two other postings (interactive responses). You will be graded on the quality and interactivity of your postings. Use of unoriginal text and excessive quotes indicates a lack of comprehension and shows that you may not have mastered the concepts. A large percentage of unoriginal content may result in a zero being posted for the discussion grade.
Student 1:
Applying Advertising and Marketing Theory
Using the 3 ads you assessed last week, analyze them based on a model from advertising like Hierarchy of Effects or possibly persuasion - Elaboration Likelihood Model. This requires research on the models and professional attribution of the sources.
Using one of the advertising models mentioned above, analyze the techniques being used in the three ads.
John T. Cacioppo and Richard E. Petty developed the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) in the 1980's. The Elaboration Likelihood Model explains how attitudes are formed, shaped and reinforced by persuasion. ELM proposes that when one is presented with information elaboration occurs. In this situation, elaboration is the effort one makes to evaluate, remember and accept/reject a message. The model proposes a high or low level of elaboration when faced with a persuasive message and that determines the route the message takes. There are two routes, central and peripheral. The central route states that one cares about the message vs the peripheral route that states that one is influenced by other factors such as credibility, visuals, appearance and attractions, like humor or food Yocco, 2014). The three ads that I analyzed last week for McDonald's appear to be along the peripheral route. All depicted stories of individuals doing things we all have experienced or will experience in life with the outcome ending in eating McDonald's, which persuades or equates to happiness.
Ad #1 McDonald's Happy Meal Commercial 2016 School Picture Day
Ad#2 McDonald's Commercial 2016 Wedding Day
Ad#3 McDonald's Smiling Baby Commercial from 1994
Yocco, V. (2014). Persuasion: Applying the elaboration likelihood model to design. A List Apart. Retrieved from
Student 2:
Using one of the advertising models mentioned above, analyze the techniques being used in the three ads
To remind everyone what my three ads were, here they are:
Looking at these three ads, I feel the Elaboration Likelihood Model was used for all three advertisements. The ads are displaying things that are familiar to us and that evoke emotions within us; happy, joyous emotions. This makes the ad and what we feel while watching the ad memorable. One of the best ways motivating people to take the central route is to make the message personally relevant to them (Changing Minds, n.d.). These ads are definitely relevant to us because we all want a family and friends to share our lives with in good times and in bad. The ads celebrate the good times and occasions we normally share with family and friends. Even when something is as mundane as having dinner with your spouse and children as in the first ad, tailgating as in the second ad or saying hello to your neighbors or having a cook-out as in the third ad, we can smile and have fond memories. This fondness makes us think of the product in a positive light and thus we permanently like that product. Think about it this way, if you didn't like the as or it evoked bad memories or an unpleasant experience, you would probably not buy the product the is being advertised.
Changing Minds (n.d.) Retrieved from
YouTube (n.d.) Retrieved from