
Describe and reflect on five eventsactivities that you have

Guidelines for Assessment Item - Report

Complete a work placement report and 60days worklog according the requirements - Manufacturing factory (INNO).


In this report you are required to describe and reflect on five events/activities that you have observed or have been involved in during your placement. Focus your reflection on:

- The type, extent and/or depth of knowledge and skills associated with professional practice. This should include consideration of discipline specific skills as well as graduate capabilities.

- Attitudes of importance in conducting yourself as a professional, for example, diligence, perseverance, empathy, honesty and so on. Your Profession Code of Conduct is a source we encourage you to access for possible examples and also reflect on the assessments activities undertaken in the lecture.

- You are required to describe each of the five events using the STAR-L approach. Whilst it is important that you provide adequate details of the situation, task/event, action and result, be sure to focus on the "Learnt" aspects of the experience. This is the section that requires most detail.

- For each event, use academic and industry resourcesand reference to your previous experiences and university studies to explain and extend your understanding of how/why the organisational procedures, attitudes, behaviours, and skills that you and your colleagues exhibited during the event influenced the outcome. What could have been done differently?

Report Content

Executive Summary

This section is a short summary of the whole report indicating what you observed/ participated in, and what you learnt and reflected upon.

1. Introduction

Outline the content of your report. Briefly identify the profession you are training in, the organisation you work for, and the role you perform. If you intend to write about experiences from more than one placement, please explain this here, and summarise both placements.

2. Spider-web diagram Outline of Strengths and Weaknesses

Provide two spider-web diagrams: one showing the development of five generic skills, the other showing the development of five technical skills. Where possible, use the skills targets identified by your professional association to guide your skills selection. On each diagram, indicate your self-assessed level of proficiency for each skill both before AND after your work placement.

3. Workplace events

This section will describe your activities and your associated learning / reflections from this employment. Describe five (5)activities / events using theSTAR-L format. The chosen activities should be either:

- Two events focused on technical skill and three events on generic skill; or alternatively

- Three events focusing on technical skills and two events on generic skills.

The events/activities should be chosen to represent the widest possible range of experiences from your work placement. In each event, highlight a skill that you have identified in your spider-web diagrams.You should have actively participated in at least three of these events. To appropriately complete this section, you will have to further research / expand and reflect on your informal Reflective Field Notes. Elaborate your learning clearly and use academic and industry references to extend the depth of your reflective insights.Do not repeat the STAR-L reflections you provided in Assignment 1.

4. Discussion

Compare your overall achievements with the learning objectives you expected from your placement.

Discuss any negotiations you had with your supervisor about how to access activities that would specifically help you achieve your skill development learning priorities.

What spider-web skills were improved through your placement?

What other skills do you need to develop to achieve your career ambitions?

5. Conclusion
Summarise the main points in your report including major conclusions / observations / lessons / reflections. No new material should be introduced in this section.

As this is a university level assignment, multiple references throughout the assignment are expected. When referring to information sourced from other authors it is mandatory to acknowledge the source. The recommended citation style for EGH403 is the QUT APA style; you may use an alternate

referencing style if it is specifically suited to your discipline. QUT Cite/Write is a guide available at the QUT bookshop, QUT Library and on-line (https://www.citewrite.qut.edu.au/) to provide you with guidance on the required format for referencing conventions and basic tips for writing reports and assignments in a professional manner.

Attachments to be provided with your report

1. Appendices that include supporting information for your report

2. A copy of your final work log for your experience completed to date. This should include a brief reflection for each daily entry, as shown in the work log templates/ examples. Please provide the complete work-log for all your placements, even if you have provided previously in Assignment 1.

3. Certificate of Time Worked. Please provide an electronic scanned copy of your CTW, signed by your employer. This should also be submitted to InPlace.If you have multiple placements, each placement must have a separate registration and CTW.


Your report should be 3000 - 3500 words excluding the appendices.

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Mechanical Engineering: Describe and reflect on five eventsactivities that you have
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