Describe and interpret each of marias subtest standard


Respond to the following questions in 75 to 100 words, based on your readings for this week.

1. Imagine you are a career counselor and have been asked to present to a group of 6th graders on career day. How would you explain career assessment and its purpose? Include a discussion on the main strategies used in career assessment, the types of career assessment instruments, as well as combined assessment programs.

2. What are the main features of objective personality instruments? What are some examples of this type of instrument? When would these instruments be used?

3. What are the main features of projective personality instruments? What are some examples of this type of instrument? When would these instruments be used?Assessing Achievement using the WRAT4 and Grades

Review the Case of Maria.

Discuss Maria's behavior, grades, and her achievement test results with your Learning Team.

Respond to the questions that follow in 50 to 75 words each.

Case of Maria

Maria is a 10th grade student who has been referred to the school counselor because of her unacceptable behavior in the classroom and her poor peer relationships.

School personnel are concerned about Maria's inability to function well in a school setting. Although she exhibits problematic behavior, it is not severe enough for suspension. Maria has an excellent vocabulary and a good sense of humor. However, she does not know how to respond to teasing or correction and seems to enjoy telling stories about how she gets back at people who offend her. In the classroom,

Maria is frequently off task, asks inappropriate questions, comes unprepared, wanders about the classroom, and seeks to make herself the center of attention. Outside of the classroom, she keeps to herself, but she stands out in the crowd. Her mannerisms and dress set her apart. She appears to be preoccupied and seems to fear her parents, not wanting them to know what happens in school.

To obtain more information about Maria, the school counselor uses information related to her current grades, as well as her scores on the Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT4).

Maria's Current Grades (10th Grade):

English II C

Geometry C

Biology D

World History C

Physical Education B

Spanish I C

Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT4)


Standard Score

Confidence Interval

Percentile Rank


Word Reading


116 - 138



Sentence Comprehension


115- 135





127 - 151



Math Computation


111 - 137




1. Describe and interpret each of Maria's subtest standard scores, percentile ranks, and stanine scores.

2. What does the confidence interval for the Word Reading subtest score mean?

3. Overall, what does Maria's WRAT4 results tell you about her academic ability?

4. Are Maria's WRAT4 subtest scores consistent with her grades? Explain.

5. What additional information would you like to have about Maria?

From Exercises from Assessment Procedures for Counselors and Helping Professionals (8th Ed.), by R. J. Drummond and K. D. Jones, 2016, Boston, MA: Pearson.

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