Problem: Maus (to p. 197) -excerpt on "The Gray Zone" By Primo Levi (you only need to read p.42-47) reflect on Primo Levi's idea of the gray zone from his essay and then apply the concept toward understanding Vladek's experience in the concentration camps.
1. Describe and explain the gray zone. Use at least one quote from Levi to help your explanation. What are some of the defining features of the gray zone? How did it affect the way in which prisoners in the camps related to one another? How does Levi judge these actions by fellow prisoners in the camps? Cite at least one example from the passage.
2. Apply the idea of the gray zone to this chapter of Maus in which Vladek talks about his first experiences in the camps. We can most clearly see the gray zone in action when Vladek details his experience with the Kapos. Choose one specific scene in which he deals with the Kapos. How does this show the effect of the gray zone on Vladek? How does Vladek deal with the situation?