Find an article on this topic and write a literature review.
Do not continue new page but continue from Introduction
o Describe and critically discuss relevant scholarship
o This is your review of critically selected scholarly literature that is relevant for your study (this will take a good amount of your time so plan for it)
o This section is designed to inform readers about past studies that have already been conducted, and provides perspectives on your area of interest Assume reader has basic knowledge in the area being addressed
o Should include a brief discussion of any "classical studies" in the area related to your study, if appropriate, but the major portion of the content should focus on the past five years of research (2012-Present)
o When summarizing work, avoid non-essential details, instead emphasize pertinent issues, relevant methods, and major conclusions
o It is recommended that you organize your review by topical clusters
o Should close with a logical summary of past research and transition to a statement about what should be studied next -your own study (final "must" here)
o Remember, all research cited (using APA style) must relate specifically to your topic [the question(s) being studied] and should be properly referenced, using APA style
o Write in the past tense; no quotes
o After you present what is already known, make your case for your research either answering a new question, getting a new answer to an old question, answering a question about a new population, etc.
o After you have made your case that your research is going to give new information, you will summarize the major points.
o Remember that the Introduction discusses the problem. The review of literature should concentrate on solutions (those that exist, those that are still required).
o Finally, you will formulate (in the last sentence) your research question(s).