
Describe and classify type of evidence found at crime scenes


Title: The Criminal Investigation


Using the given article to answer the questions. Imagine that you are in charge of investigating the crime scene. Use the general steps of criminal investigation: Observation, Description, Explanation, and Probability to conduct the investigation and answer the guiding questions below.


A. Uses report writing techniques to describe the crime scene. List what is found at the crime scene: characteristics, visibility, orientation points, physical elements found at the scene, the order in which they were found, and everything you understand concerning the crime under investigation. Identify the type of scene.

B. Describe and classify the types of evidence found at crime scenes.

C. Mention how the body was, if it showed signs of violence or aggression.

D. Mention the technical-scientific procedures that can be applied to collect, pack and preserve the evidence found at the crime scene. Identifies evidence relevant to the investigation.

E. According to the facts, mention who you would interview or interrogate.

F. Write one interview and one interrogation of those witnesses or suspects as appropriate.

G. Establish the theory of the case, based on the facts, the evidence that supports them and the legal grounds that support it.

H. According to the factual situation, Pedro confessed to having thrown the firearm into the sea. If the firearm is found, he explains if it can be used as evidence and why.

I. Mention two possible members of the multidisciplinary team in the investigation and describe their roles.

J. Mention an auxiliary science applicable to this investigation and what would be its contribution to clarifying the case.

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