
Describe and analyze the popular culture forms that

Need help please on research paper on Jack the ripper. 1. Identify, discuss and critique the representations of serial killers as heroes, celebrities, and icons in modern media forms. Explain the characteristics of the media forms, genres, and methods for each subject.

1. Describe and analyze the popular culture forms that encourage audience identification or participation through violence or vicarious experience.

2. Evaluate multiple perspectives, modes of inquiry and expression, and processes for decision-making in the disciplines.

3. decision-making in the disciplines

Building upon your skills as a "close-reading" expert and analysis of your topic, and answering the larger questions about "why" we are studying serial killers as heroes (as well as, "why" your topic is popular? important? significant? worthy of study? definitive of its audience?) with references

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Dissertation: Describe and analyze the popular culture forms that
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