
Describe and analyze data collection efforts detailed in


Unit 3 - Program Evaluation: Qualitative Research Design


This unit focuses on qualitative evaluation design, data collection methods, and evaluating program effectiveness. Additionally, you will apply this knowledge to a real-world program evaluation.


To successfully complete this learning unit, you will be expected to:

1. Understand and analyze qualitative program evaluation design.
2. Compare and contrast experimental and quasi-experimental designs.
3. Analyze pretest-posttest designs.
4. Communicate through writing that is concise, balanced, and logically organized.

Studies - Multimedia and Readings (Complete the following):

• Framework for Program Development and Evaluation view the flow chart/transcript
• Writing an Action Research Dissertation: Part One view the media/transcript
• Writing an Action Research Dissertation: Part Two view the media/transcript

The Writing an Action Research Dissertation media pieces will help you to understand the academic writing standards for your doctoral program. You are expected to be proficient in this type of writing by the end of your program. By using the advice and guidance of the media, you can refine your academic writing and improve your success in this course and throughout your program.

• Read Chapter 5 - Program Evaluation and Performance Measurement text

o Pay attention to question 7 on page 221. The content this question addresses will be relevant for the first discussion in this unit.

• Read Moore and Tananis's 2009 article, "Measuring Change in a Short-Term

Educational Program Using a Retrospective Pretest Design," from American Journal of Evaluation, volume 30, issue 2, pages 189-202.

o Pay attention to the research design and data collection methods in this study. You will be analyzing them for two upcoming assignments, one in this unit and the other in Unit 5.

Unit 3 Assignment 1 - Program Evaluation: Analysis of Study Design

Using what you have learned through the readings and discussions up to this point in the course, read and analyze the 2009 journal article "Measuring Change in a Short-Term Educational Program Using a Retrospective Pretest Design" by Moore and Tananis. After you have finished your reading of the article, formalize your analysis by addressing the following:

• Identify the research design that was employed in the Moore and Tananis study.

• Explain whether the research design is experimental or quasi-experimental. Support your explanation by comparing and contrasting characteristics between the two types of designs.

- Make sure you clearly state which design (experimental or quasi-experimental) the Moore and Tananis study employs.

• Describe and analyze the data collection efforts detailed in the study.

- Discuss both quantitative and qualitative techniques.

• Justify any methodological recommendations for data collection methods for which you would advocate.

- Would you recommend using quantitative and qualitative data in program evaluation? Why or why not?

• Communicate through writing that applies current APA style and formatting and conforms to all assignment instructions.


Program Evaluation: Analysis of Study Design Scoring Guide.


1. Identifies a research design employed by a selected research study, and discusses the implications of using this design.

2. Compares and contrasts experimental and quasi-experimental designs, and notes which aspects of each design would be most suited for a specific study.

3. Analyzes the data collection efforts presented in a research study and uses supporting documentation from scholarly sources.

4. Justifies methodological recommendations for data collection with regard to program evaluation and notes assumptions and evidence upon which the justification is based.

5. Consistently communicates through scholarly writing that is concise, balanced, and logically organized, that flows with smooth transitions between ideas, and that demonstrates critical analysis of the literature.

6. Consistently communicates through writing that applies current APA style and formatting, is free of errors, and conforms to all assignment instructions.

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