
Describe an event in american history from 1865 to the

California State University, San Marcos U.S. History from 1877 to Present Summer Session


The Civic Agency Project asks you to think about moments in American history from 1865 to the present when democracy was reinforced and advanced by every day Americans working to solve problems and create common ground through civic agency.

Respond to one of the following two prompts:

1) Describe an event in American history from 1865 to the present in which the U.S. Constitution (and especially the First Amendment) was expressed, confirmed, or advanced through the actions of a diverse group of every day Americans.

2) Describe an event in American history from 1865 to the present in which the Declaration of Independence (and especially the Preamble) was expressed, confirmed, or advanced through the actions of a diverse group of every day Americans.

You may choose any topic-with the exception of the Civil Rights Movement. As was the case with the Civic Engagement Assignments, you are required to provide historical context, concrete examples, and documentary evidence. You are strongly encouraged to reference the Charters of Freedom, as well as The American Yawp Reader and The American Yawp textbook.

In contrast to the Civic Engagement Assignments, you will be using a digital platform to write your essay, which you will share with the entire class. You will be using Storify to present your essay.

• Watch this introductory video, then log in to register to create your digital history story

• At a minimum, you are required to include fifteen (15) different social media sources.

• As you bring the various social media links (including images and videos) into your essay, you must insert your own comments, with primary sources as evidence and as explanation.

• When you have finished the digital essay, you will need to "publish" your story and capture and submit the url to Cougar Courses.

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History: Describe an event in american history from 1865 to the
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