
Describe an ethical issue in your own area of study and


Ethics in Your Area of Study

Review a code of ethics document related to your area of study or vocation. Some examples are listed below and the links are located in the Topic Materials. Consider a specific moral issue in your area of study or vocation and complete an essay according to the following directions.

Code of Ethics Examples

American Psychological Association: "APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct"
Association for Applied Sport Psychology: "Ethics Code: AASP Ethical Principles and Standards "
American Sociological Association: "ASA Code of Ethics"
Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences: "Code of Ethics (ACJS)"
American Association of Christian Counselors: " AACC Code of Ethics"
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ): "My Ministerial Code of Ethics"
Evangelical Church Alliance: "Ministerial Ethics"
National Association of Evangelicals: "Code of Ethics for Pastors"


In 750-1,000 words, write an essay in which you:

Describe an ethical issue in your own area of study and provide a moral response.

Analyze how at least two moral theories might respond to the issue.

Explain how principles contained in a code of ethics for your discipline relate to the issue.

Utilize one of the models for making moral decisions discussed in Topic 6 to evaluate the issue.

Describe and support your rationale to the issue.

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Dissertation: Describe an ethical issue in your own area of study and
Reference No:- TGS01590375

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