Your school district wants to apply for an Enhancing Education Through Technology (EETT) grant. These grants are funded by the No Child Left Behind Act, but application and awards are managed and distributed by the individual states.
The primary goal of EETT is to improve student achievement through the use of technology in elementary and secondary schools? It also aims to promote technological literacy for elementary and junior high students. Each grant requires that 25% of funds be dedicated to â??teacher training and curriculum development, establishing research-based instructional methods that can be widely implemented?
(See: Enhancing Education through Technology State Program, 2006)
As a member of your community who understands curriculum design and development, you have been asked to assist the local school district to define the curriculum for the grant.
In your proposal, be sure to address the following questions:
1. Who within your community would you ask to be part of the planning committee for this effort? (Note: These can be roles rather than names)
2. How will you ensure that this is a community-wide effort?
3. What is the focus (or foci) of the proposed curriculum?
4. Who will benefit from this grant and how will they benefit?
5. What are your Terminal Learning Objectives?
6. What will be taught? (Give a detailed outline of the content to be taught, the formative and summative assessments, and the instructional media and technologies the courses will include)
7. What indicators will be used to evaluate the success of this curriculum?
Summarize the strategies used in developing this plan including what research provides support for the decisions made
Note: You may want to research your state's program and requirements. You may also want to find descriptions of proposals that have received awards in the last few years to give you some ideas.