
Describe all the peripheral device connectors

Assignment task: "you will write about a hardware system configuration with technical specificity and research references." This is due in Unit 7, but you should be working on it throughout the course. Instructions: You have decided that you can make good money being a YouTube sensation. You have a talent (pick one you have or make one up), and you want to create a YouTube channel with audio/video content to attract viewers. Since this will be your business, you do not want any of your personal computers to be involved, and you need to buy all the components to support your production.

  • At a minimum, research and select these components to build your YouTube business system: o System unit (specifically describe the CPU and RAM choices you made, and why) o Top-of-the-line video card (no on-board video for you) o Minimum 4K 32" monitor o External microphone (include an audio preamp/compressor) o External camera o Lighting o Operating system o Storage choices to back up your video library
  • Explain what was important in making each decision about all the hardware and external devices and why you settled for the system build you chose.
  • Explain the value of the choices and how much the system will cost.
  • Describe all the peripheral device connectors to ensure that they all work together (or include adapters, where needed).
  • Cite every component separately, with a website reference that lists all the technical specifications of the component.

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Computer Networking: Describe all the peripheral device connectors
Reference No:- TGS03246940

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