
Describe all the business rules that apply to this problem


March Madness is just around the corner. The following exercise is a way of ushering in the popular event.

The Edinburg County Basketball Conference (ECBC) is an amateur basketball association. Each city in the county has one team as its representative. Each team has a maximum of 12 players and a minimum of 9 players. Each team also has up to three coaches (offensive, defensive, and physical training coaches). During the season, each team plays two games (home and visitor) against each other teams. Given those conditions:

a). Identify all entities that have a direct bearing on the database design in the problem

b) Describe all the business rules that apply to this problem (relationship and constraint). Using the relationship business rules, establish the correct relationships (1:1, 1: M, M: N) between the entities.

c). Draw a complete and correct ER diagram using VISIO. Show at least the PK and FK fields in the diagram. Are you making any valid assumptions? List your assumptions clearly. You must resolve any M: N relationships if any exist. (You must use VISIO to draw the ERD).

d). Using Microsoft Word or Access or SQL Server, convert the entities in the above ER diagram into relevant tables with some realistic fields (columns). Insert some realistic made-up data (records) into the tables to validate your ER diagram.

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Database Management System: Describe all the business rules that apply to this problem
Reference No:- TGS0669536

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