Describe about the Primary Prevention - Food Allergy?
Let us further, dwell on measures we could adopt in primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. Current research in primary allergy prevention focuses on blocking IgE- sensitization, e.g. environmental control. Some areas that are important and require investigation/emphasis at the primary level would include:
- How do we identify the high-risk infant during the perinatal period?
- How does avoiding exposure to food allergens affect expression of allergy?
- Is there a role for maternal avoidance of allergens during the prenatal period and during lactation?
- Is there a critical time during pregnancy and/or during the postnatal period when allergen exposure is most likely or least likely to sensitize?
- Is there a critical dose required to cause or prevent sensitization?
- What is the role of the infant diet, including breast-feeding, non-milk formula, delayed introduction of specific foods, delayed introduction of "at risk" foods ('e.g., milk, egg, peanuts).
- What are appropriate environmental control measures to limit infant exposures to allergens? (e.g., dust mites, animal dander)