
Describe about how art is used in your own life

Assignment task: "What is Art? " Min. 500 words.

Think about how art is used in your own life. Take a day and just really look around you as you go through your day.  Make a list.  Please include three or more listings for each part. Write complete sentences.  This is not just about the posters, photos, paintings, or sculptures, but about color, line, shape, etc. in all the structures around us.

This is all about looking around you and "seeing" your world.  Look for color, style, texture, design, etc. This is not about pictures and sculptures you have.. it's about all the ways art is used in the world: your car, your fashion, your home, your garden, the city, the state, etc. You need to dig deeper here.  Really look and describe.  Give examples.  Take your time.  Take good notes over a few days before you start.

(Be sure to use a clear MLA heading on each assignment you do for this course even though it will be attached online.  Please put your name, course, etc. and a title.)

List the following: (Three responses to each question in complete sentences.)

1. Art in my home: (prompts: color, line, style, etc.) This is subjective... no right or wrong.  What do you like? Again, not just the paintings, sculpture.. etc.  Flooring, walls, curtains, furniture..etc.

2. Art at work or at school. How does this help you get through the day or make your life easier? Colors used. Lines. Textures.  Look at the shape of the windows, etc. Lines in the flooring.

3. Art in my community. Does the community use color or design to make the city or area more beautiful? Landscaping?  Businesses put in flowers or use bright colors to attract more customers? Be specific. Use examples.

4. Art in my state and country: What does your state or country do to make your world a better and more attractive place to live?  Wildflowers? Sculpture? Improve architectural structures or repair older structures?  Save historical places?

All must answer:

  • How important is art in your life? What would your own life be without color, design and style?
  • No word limit. Use your own good sense. Express yourself.

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Reference No:- TGS03304677

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