CQ4 began as a single grocery store operating in a provincial town. It has since grown into a regional group of stores through a policy of buying and then developing previously less successful grocery and general stores. CQ4's success has been down to buying small stores in strategically important geographical areas and then refitting the stores and introducing a greater range of products. CQ4 has a policy of re-employing staff of acquired stores and (up until now)
continuing to operate existing systems and equipment in the stores. Currently staff spend several hours after the close of trading every day cashing up, checking inventory and placing orders for the next day's trading. Store managers report weekly to head office, both generally and on the performance of certain product lines.
CQ4's Managing Director now wishes to consolidate the group by introducing greater centralisation of control and decision-making and standardisation of equipment and procedures. As part of this initiative he has decided to introduce an electronic point-of-sale (EPoS) system on checkouts. This will involve using touchscreen terminals to speed up transactions in stores andtransmit valuable data to head office in real time.
The Managing Director has been warned that there may be some resistance to these changes as staff in some stores are set in their ways and fearful of new technology, whilst others may be suspicious of the motives behind the initiative.
Question: Discuss the ways in which CQ4's operations might be transformed through the implementation of the EPoS system.
Include source of information for best answer