Question 1: Which of the following would increase the attractive force between ions?
a. Increasing the distance between ions
b. increasing the dielectric constant of the environment
c. placing the ions in the hydrophobic center of proteins
d. increasing the distance between the ions and placing them in a hydrophilic envrionment
Question 2: Which of the following are true about proteins?
a. they can function as biological catalysts and structural supports
b. they are polymers of amino acids connected through peptide bonds
c. like all nucleotides, they contain a lot of nitrogen
d. all of the above
Question 3: Which of the following is not true about carbohydrates?
a. they are the main component of cellulose and starch
b. the presence of OH groups increases their hydrophobicity
c. in polysaccharides, they can serve as key structural polymers
d. they are a key component of nucleotides
Provide the correct answer and justification for your choice.