
Describe a time when you faced adversity as an athlete in

Discussion Questions: Submit your response to the question to the appropriate Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Through the end of the module, comment on the responses of others.

You will be attempting two discussion questions in this module worth 28 points each.

1. Adverse Event

Describe a time when you faced adversity as an athlete in the form of an injury, prolonged slump, off-field issue, and so on. How did the adverse event impact your ability to perform to your potential? What did you do to try to cope with the adversity? What helped you to cope with your situation? As you look back, in what ways did you cope that were not very successful?

Evaluation Criteria for Discussion Question Response:

Provided detailed context of experience in which you faced adversity and explained how the adversity affected your ability to perform.

Identified successful and unsuccessful coping strategies.

2. Adversity During Competition

Adversity during competition can come in many different forms. What are some of the ways in which athletes can experience adversity during competition? As a sport psychologist or coach, how would you help an athlete you were working with cope with these types of adversity?

Evaluation Criteria for Discussion Question Response:

Described accurately some of the ways that athletes can experience adversity during competition.

Identified strategies to help an athlete cope with different types of adversity.

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

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Dissertation: Describe a time when you faced adversity as an athlete in
Reference No:- TGS02937162

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