
Describe a source country for humantrafficking


1) Cincinnati was founded by missionaries with the intention of developinga theocraticsociety.

a. True

b. False

2) The discovery of oil in Texas led to waves of industrialization and significant changes to theeconomy.

a. True

b. False

3) American slaves were often undernourished as children, but fed well as adults, resulting in a unique "catching up," of heights relative to comparisongroups.

a. True

b. False

4) During South Korea's economic development, very little change came to the industrial structure or makeup of exports

a. True

b. False

5) Piketty's theory on inequality was that faster increases in the growth ofcapital income vs. wage income led to an increase in the concentration ofwealth.

a. True

b. False

6) During the roaring twenties, prosperity was widespread and economistsbelieved they reached a new level ofprosperity

a. True

b. False

7) Knowledge during the European age of exploration was partially built off that of Arab and Muslim explorers during precedingyears.

a. True

b. False

8) Which of the following is a major reason the city of Columbusdeveloped?

a. Columbus was a transportation hub, and could trade with cities likeCincinatti and Pittsburgeasily

b. Columbus was the state capital, and offered political value for those who sought to influencelegislators

c. Rich deposits allowed Columbus to export coalcheaply

9) Which does NOT describe a limitation of China during their economic reformsof the last fewdecades?

a. Unemployment and difficulty findingjobs

b. Inequality between Eastern and Western portions of thecountry

c. Abnormally high tariffs onsteel

10) Which was NOT an effect of the BlackPlague?

a. Religious fervor and fanaticism increased, resulting in persecution insome cases

b. Wages rose due to the reduction in the supply oflabor

c. Approximately 75 to 200 million people died across Europe andAsia

d. An increase in exploration and understanding of science andmedicine

11) Which is most likely to describe a "source country," for humantrafficking?

a. A developing country with low rates ofgrowth

b. A highly religious country with traditionalinstitutions

c. A rich and economically forwardcountry

d. A socially liberal, sexually relaxedcountry

12) Which of the following did not contribute to the long-run prosperity of theUS?

a. Good Economicinstitutions

b. Geography and natural resources

c. Unified religion and a further demand for centralgovernance

d. Opportunity-centered and hard-workingculture

13) Which was NOT a policy that led to Singapore's economicexpansion?

a. Good free trade relationships with othercountries

b. Investments in infrastructure andtechnology

c. Adoption of Calvinism as the nationalreligion

d. Work with the UN and adoption of the Economic DevelopmentBoard

14) What was of India's responses to the financialcrisis?

a. Collectivization of the means ofproduction

b. Decrease of import taxes and an expansion oftrade

c. Return to traditional agriculturalmethods

15) Which was not an effect of the Bubonic Plague inEurope

a. Population reduction of approximately 33% inEurope

b. Food prices rose due to strains onlivestock

c. Unrest and revolts as landlords attempted to control economicresponses

16) Which of the following was NOT a reason China adopted the One ChildPolicy?

a. Limited food relative to agriculturalcapacity

b. Limited economic opportunity relative to number of young peopleseeking employment

c. Widespread child labor led to pressure to reduceit

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Microeconomics: Describe a source country for humantrafficking
Reference No:- TGS02102676

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