
Describe a society in which its members are participants


Charles C. Mills and Henry David Thoreau both describe a society in which its members are participants in institutions, social norms, and/or actions taken in the name of that society to which they did not consent to participate--for Mills it is the Racial Contract and for Thoreau it is slavery and the Mexican American War. [1] Briefly describe the problems this creates for individuals and society, in Mills's account of the Racial Contract. [2] Briefly describe the problems this creates for individuals and society, in Thoreau's account of the practice of slavery in the US and the Mexican American war. [3] Finally, in what ways might Mills's introduction of the concept of the Racial Contract strengthen Thoreau's call for civil disobedience? You might consider ways in which Mills's work adds weight to Thoreau's argument, or supports claims made by Thoreau, or adds additional arguments to support the justification of civil disobedience under the conditions described by Thoreau.

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