
Describe a situation in which members of a religion

Discussion 1: Religion and Privilege

For citizens in some countries, religious oppression is common and long standing. While freedom of religion is guaranteed in the U.S., religious intolerance still exists. According to the Equal Opportunity Employment commission, the number of lawsuits filed for religious discrimination doubled between 2000-2010 (Pledger, 2011). Social workers must be alert for the complex ways that religious privilege functions. By creating an awareness of the privilege given to some while marginalizing others, social workers can understand how this bias impacts their clients.

Post an explanation of the connections between privilege and religion.

Describe a situation in which members of a religion experience privilege.

Describe a situation in which members of a religion experience religious oppression.

References (use at least 2)

Adams, M., Blumenfeld, W. J., Castaneda, C., Hackman, H. W., Peters, M. L., & Zuniga, X. (Eds.). (2013). Readings for diversity and social justice. (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge Press.
Chapter 43, (pp. 237-242)
Chapter 44, (pp. 243-244)

Discussion 2: Self-Assessment

Competent social workers have many traits and characteristics, one of which is the ability to be self-reflective. The best way to begin critically thinking about the impact of ethnocentrism and racism is to start with oneself. How do these issues affect you? For this Discussion, think about when and how you became aware of your own racial identity and consider how this awareness has impacted your life.

Post an explanation of a time in your childhood when you became aware of your own racial identity (African American).

Be sure to include a description of how this newfound awareness impacted both your development and views of difference.

Please use the Learning Resources to support your answer.

References (use at least 2)

Cristol, D., & Gimbert, B. (2008). Racial perceptions of young children: A review of literature post-1999. Early Childhood Education Journal, 36(2), 201-207.

Patcher, L. M., Szalacha, L. A., Bernstein, B., & Garcia Coil, C. (2010). Perceptions of racism in children and youth: Properties as a self-report instrument for research on children's health and development. Ethnicity & Health, 15(1), 33-46.

Zastrow, C. H., & Kirst-Ashman, K. K. (2016). Understanding human behavior and the social environment (10th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
Chapter 5 (pp. 254-294)

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