
Describe a serious hazard that exists where you work



Workplace errors can be divided into errors of omission and errors of commission. Provide examples that illustrate the difference. Which type of error do you feel is easier to control? Explain your choice.

Your essay response must be a minimum of 75 words in length.


There are seven factors that often contribute to human error as listed on page 35 of your textbook. List them in the order in which you think they should be addressed. Explain your choices for the first and last items on your list.
Your response must be a minimum of 75 words in length.


Your textbook lists eight skills important to process employees on pages 10 and 11. Which of these skills do you think contributes most to risk reduction efforts? Explain your choice.

Your response must be a minimum of 75 words in length.


From Figure 2.1 on page 21 in the course textbook, select three accident prevention programs or techniques that would be beneficial to process safety. Briefly explain the reasons for your selections.

Your essay response must be a minimum of 75 words in length.


Describe a serious hazard that exists where you work, or used to work, and discuss how you would apply the Three E's of safety to eliminate the hazard or reduce the risks it presents.

Your essay response must be a minimum of 200 words in length.


Discuss how employees working in the process industries can contribute to the overall reduction of workplace risk. Why is a risk-free workplace not possible? Support your discussion with examples.

Your essay response must be a minimum of 200 words in length.

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HR Management: Describe a serious hazard that exists where you work
Reference No:- TGS02007600

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