Question 1 :
Chapter 13 addresses situational influences and the decision making process. Consider, for example, how we purchase when we're angry. When we lose a job. When we receive a promotion at work.
One of the clearest statements in Chapter 13 to me is: "The situation interacts with the marketing activity and the individual to determine behavior.
Using the text's seven-step process; 1. Problem/Need recognition, 2. Information Processing, 3. Alternative Evaluation, 4. Purchase, 5. Use, 6. Disposition, 7. Evaluation; describe a recent purchase and discuss how situational influences impacted your decision making process on at least one of the steps. (Hawkins &Mothersbaugh, 2016)
Hawkins, D. &Mothersbaugh, D. (2016) Consumer Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy, 13th Edition.
McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.
Question 2:
Let's consider problem/need recognition. Considering the decision making process, you'll find different levels of involvement by the consumer. The purchase of a home, for example, requires a different level of involvement than the purchase of a new pair of socks! The text addresses low involvement purchases and high involvement purchases. (Hawkins &Mothersbaugh, 2016)
Using Figure 14-1, consider and discuss some of the differences in Nominal, Limited, and Extended decision making.
Hawkins, D. &Mothersbaugh, D. (2016) Consumer Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy, 13th Edition.
McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.
Question 3:
Discuss factors that may contribute to your, personal external information search and factors that act to reduce external search for information before purchase or adoption of one of the following:
a.Car insurance
b.Exercise club
c.Eye wear
Question 4:
Describe the last purchase you made where you made an Affective Choice. (A choice based on your feelings)
Question 5:
I really enjoyed Chapter 16! Often, in consumer behavior, and other areas, we assume we tend to make rational, logical decisions. Historically, marketers felt consumers sought one optimal solution to each problem/need and, furthermore, that they had the ability to find that optimal solution.
According to the text, why don't consumers find this optimal solution?
Question 6:
According to the electronic reading: "The Influence of Package on Consumer Behavior" "Packaging includes designing and producing the container or wrapper for a product" (Jafari, Nia, Salehi, &Zahmatkesh, 2013, para.8)
At times, the packaging can actually replace the product. Consider the Happy Meal container, for example, or Starbuck's coffee cup. Too, back to our grocery store discussion, the photographs on the packaging of pre-cooked, packaged meals (TV Dinners) and other processed products impact our decision making.
Packaging can serve many roles as well.
Think of and discuss an example of a product where the packaging is more important than the product.
Jafari, S., Nia, M. S., Salehi, M., &Zahmatkesh, R. (2013). INFLUENCE OF PACKAGE ON CONSUMER BEHAVIOR. Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review (Oman Chapter), 2(6), 65-71.
Analyze a recent purchase you made of a durable good (durable goods are goods that don't wear out quickly or those that have a lifespan of more than three years - computers, cars, mobile phones, kitchen appliances, etc.)
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you review the steps that you took in making this purchasing decision.
Base your review on the following six steps in the consumer decision process:
1. Problem recognition
2. Information search
3. Alternative evaluation
4. Purchase
5. Use
6. Evaluation
Answer the following questions in your paper:
• How many of these stages did you go through?
• Which stage(s) in the purchasing process was/were most important to you?
• If you skipped certain stages, what marketing or previous experience influenced you to skip this stage?
• What could the selling organization have done more effectively from a marketing standpoint to help you move through these stages?
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.