
Describe a recent promotion experience

Assignment 1: Marketing Communication Process

Communicating is an important marketing process of conveying our message to our customers and prospects. We use certain media based upon their ability to meet communication goals and objectives.

Describe a recent promotion experience. (As seen on television, mail, radio, Internet, sales person, outdoor/ signage, prints, etc.)

Identify each of the Communication Process elements to that promotion. Provide evidence by example.

Discuss whether the given promotion was effective and how it would be better served in another promotion medium. Present your rationale in marketing terms/ concepts.

Read other student posts and identify elements they may have missed and/ or those that were done well that made that promotion particularly effective.

Be sure to provide supporting evidence for your statements.

Write your initial response in a minimum of 200-300 words. Apply a standard business writing style (headers/ sub heads/ bullets) to your work but be sure to cite your work in the APA format.

By Saturday, May 28, 2016, submit your response to the appropriate Discussion Area. Use the same Discussion Area to comment on your classmates' submissions until Wednesday, June 1, 2016.

Comment on how your classmates would address differing views.

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Marketing Management: Describe a recent promotion experience
Reference No:- TGS01758432

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