
Describe a problem or issue detailing the context nature


The detailed requirements for this task are as follows:

The assessment involves the submission of a report focusing on a significant problem or issue concerning change within the participant's own organisation or department, or an organisation they have worked in (or where necessary a casestudy organisation). The problem or issue can be at the organisational, group or individual level, and needs to be of a type that has a strategic implication.

Select Marriott Hotels as the organisation.

Assignment Onewill be a single report which will have have two parts as follows: -

Part 1. Background to the Case Study Organisation (approx. 1800 - 2400 words)

This should include a corporate overview of the organisation in sufficient detail to enable users of the case to understand its relevance and should present the Organisation history, sector, structure, culture, management style, and place in the market. The background can also include any other significant information about the organisation.

Part 2. The Case Study Organisation Issue / Problem (approx. 700 - 1000 words)

The casestudy should describe a problem or issue detailing the context, nature and substance in sufficient detail to enable a diagnosis and an analysis (PESTLE OR SWOT ANALYSIS ONE OF THEM SHOULD BE COMPULSARY, WHICH EVER IS APPICABLE) to be undertaken. It will be helpful to provide an evaluation of the impact and effect of the problem or issue on the organisation.

(You are not expected to demonstrate in this assignment how change was achieved- this comes in assignment 2)

Below questions are just a guide from the lecture:

- Painting a picture if the organisation
- How deeply they feel about each other in terms of culture
- How the organisation started?
- How it's grown?
- What's its vision?
- What it sees itself as?
- What the market operation is?
- How are they driven?
- Place in the market (Big/Small size)
- Is it growing or is it in decline?
- What sector is it in?
- How to compete with others in the same sector?
- What is their mission/ purpose? (I can find out what their mission if you can't find it on the internet.
- What is the culture?
- Management style, and how they are different from another organisation in the same sector? (Apply theories to prove it)
- Effect of management style on its culture.
- Any significant issues in the organisation.
- How can it change
- What can be done in the organisation to change and be efficient in the next 5 years?


A full and accurate list of references should be attached listing all reference points made and texts/publications quoted, and adopting the Harvard style.

The product will be in "user friendly" format capable of being used and implemented as a working case study by any facilitator on a peer level with the writer. An appropriate word count for the assignment would be in the region of 3000 words (excluding any appendices).
October 2015

Case study of an Organisation in 2 parts:
i.e. 1a The background to the Case Study 1b. The Case Study

Assignment Brief/ Task

The assessment involves the submission of a case study report focussing on a significant problem or issue concerning change within an organisation or department. The problem or issue can be at the organisational, group or individual level, and needs to be of a type that has a strategic implication.
1a Background to the Case Study (1800 - 2400 words)

This should be an overview of the organisation in sufficient detail to enable readers of the case to understand its relevance.
So have you covered the following: (NB You will not need to cover all of these)

1b The Case Study (700 - 100 words)
The case study should describe a problem or issue in the Organisation.

It will be helpful to provide an evaluation of the impact and effect of the problem / issue on the Org.

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Business Management: Describe a problem or issue detailing the context nature
Reference No:- TGS02423471

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