Discuss the below:
Q1. We will be engaged in a research project for the rest of this course. Your investment in the outcome of the project often has a good deal of reliance upon the topic about which you choose to write. The more interest you have in your topic, the more you will be driven to learn more about it and to write about it so you want to choose a topic that will hold your interest as you learn about the process of writing a research paper.
Use some of the following questions to help shape a reflection about the topic you are considering for your research paper.
Think about some of your favorite subjects. What interests you the most? What ideas do you have about a topic? You may want to mention and then briefly explain three ideas that you have, pointing out the topic idea that is most appealing to you.
What thoughts do you have about the topic right now (prior to researching it)? What do you expect to find when you research the topic? What do you hope to learn about? What are some of your assumptions right now?
Q2. How would you describe your personality within a work environment? Also, knowing that not all personalities are compatible, what is something that you could do to proactively attempt to work with a colleague who has a personality that is incompatible with your own?
Q3. This question involves writing career goals. First, write at least three five-year goals toward your career by using the guidelines within the SMART method. Remember, the SMART method involves making the goal specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and establish a time to achieve it. Second, identify the type of job, the job's title, the location (i.e., city), and the company. Then, briefly explain why these three goals are important to you.
Q4. This question involves evaluating how attitude, personality, and goal setting impact work performance. Attitudes can be both good and bad, personalities can vary greatly, and goal setting is a technique that some use and some do not. For this question, write a brief essay that describes how attitude, personality, and goal setting can impact one worker's performance. Include workplace examples to support your brief essay.
Q5. Question involves using your critical-thinking skills to describe the impact of time management in the workplace. Managing our time effectively in the workplace is very important. We all have a job to do, and we must be very timely while completing our tasks. Most of the time, we work with others or for clients, and they depend on us to complete the work. And, that is why using time-management techniques is beneficial to us. Write a brief essay that describes what is likely to result from two instances within a workplace: (a) using time-management techniques and (b) not using time-management techniques. Within the brief essay, include workplace examples to support your message.