Describe a legal remedy that would not be beneficial for

Legal remedies vary depending on the harm suffered by the plaintiff or victim. Whatever the harm suffered may be, remedies try to make the plaintiff "whole" again or compensate the individual for loss.

Using the knowledge gained from this week's reading and lecture material, as well as using outside research, describe a remedy you consider to be effective. Examine the pros and cons of the remedy, explain why you feel the remedy is better than other alternatives, and support your position. Similarly, describe a legal remedy that would not be beneficial for the fraud action. Be specific in the type of fraud action you choose as well as in your suggested remedies. Why do you think this remedy is ideal? Similarly, describe a legal remedy that would not be beneficial for the fraud action. You should be specific in the type of fraud action you choose as well.

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Dissertation: Describe a legal remedy that would not be beneficial for
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