1. Find the number of bits necessary to achieve the signal-to-quantization noise ratio of 60 dB, using an uniform quantizer with a Laplacian input and imposing a saturation probability of 10-3.
2. A musical signal a(t) is described as a Gaussian signal having zero mean and power spectral density:
Pa(f) = A triang (f/2000) V2 /Hz
The signal provides a power of 1 W when applied to a resistor of 100Ω. Determine:
a) The value of A.
b) The minimum sampling frequency of the signal a(t).
c) The range (-vsat, vsat) of the uniform quantizer to obtain a saturation probability 10-6.
d) The minimum number of bits for coding the quantization levels that guarantees a signal-to-quantization noise ratio of at least 100 dB.