A school is upgrading its website and will require students to create a password to access their marks online. In order to create secure passwords, students will be required to meet certain conditions.
a. Determine the total number of possible 5 character passwords that can be created using each of the following requirements:
i. The digits 0 to 9, where digits can be repeated
ii. The digits 0 to 9, where digits cannot be repeated
iii. The digits 0 to 9, where the first digit must be even and last digit must be odd, and where digits can be repeated
iv. The pattern letter - letter - number - number - number, using the 26 letters of the alphabet, and the digits 0 to 9, where letters and digits can be repeated
b. Which of the above suggestions would allow students to create the most secure password? Justify your answer.
c. Describe a different set of conditions that can be used to create a secure 5 character password. Determine the total number of possible passwords that can be created using your conditions.