
Describe a department in a retail store

Problem: The goal of this assignment is for you to think like an HR director who is responding to a work situation with a pay.

Select one individual plan, one team plan, and one long-term incentive plan. Describe a situation in which these plans would be most appropriate. In your answers, include the type of company and type of work as well as the position or positions that would be affected by your plan.

For example, if you selected a team-based plan, you may describe a department in a retail store that has a history of employees not covering for each other during the holiday rush period. You may use actual examples and reference a company as you have witnessed it or you may describe a generic situation. In your answer, include how you think your chosen incentive plan will affect behavior and achieve intended results.

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Other Management: Describe a department in a retail store
Reference No:- TGS01771261

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