
Describe a brief overview of your selected case- andrew

Application of Clinical Psychology Paper

Case Study: Nicole experiences School Phobia (Biopsychosocial)

1. Describe a brief overview of your selected case- Andrew

2. Discuss the biological, psychological, and social factors involved-

3. Choose which interventions are appropriate in clinical psychology-

• For each intervention you select provide the following:

• The rationale for selecting the intervention-

• What would be done-

• Who would be involved-

• In what setting the intervention would occur-

• Which area the intervention is targeting, such as biological, psychological, or social factors

For this week, begin to research the selected topic and submit at least two peer-reviewed source with 150-200 words to support your point.

Team mates Section

As Tyrell (2005) suggests, a "Rapid intervention by a cooperative interdisciplinary team including the school nurse, teachers, counselors, and parents provides the student with the best chance to overcome this disabling disorder." This same message appears to be echoed by many other specialists (Cornell &Hamrin, 2008) (Kearney & Bates, 2005).

One of the interventions suggested by all is that the child must be taken to school and truancy not be allowed. Parents should not be allowed to be lenient in this matter, as long as there are no health issues involved. Yet, the compulsory attendance needs to be handled in a gentle manner. Working together, the therapist, the school nurse, teachers and staff must help the parent identify the best method of handling this, be this by the parent coming to school with the child and sitting in class for some time, reducing this time in each consecutive day until the child is able and willing to get to school by themselves.

In parallel with this, the parent will need psychoeducation in order to understand the issues the child is going through and what is behind her behaviour and the parent's inadvertent reinforcement of this behavior. (Cornell &Hamrin, 2008)

Naturally, it would be necessary for the child to have psychotherapy to help the child understand what are her issues, what are appropriate and inappropriate behaviors, and guiding her to overcome her phobia and become a normal, healthy and social child. (Cornell &Hamrin, 2008)


Cornell, T., &Hamrin, V. (2008). Clinical interventions for children with attachment problems. Journal of Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 21(1), 35-47.

Kearney, C. A., & Bates, M. (2005). Addressing school refusal behavior: Suggestions for frontline professionals. Children & Schools, 27(4), 207-216. Retrieved from


Tyrrell, M. (2005). School phobia. The Journal of School Nursing, 21(3), 147-51. Retrieved from


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