Essay: "Behavior Change"
This essay must be a minimum of 300 words in length and must fully answer all parts of the question. You must use the assigned readings and viewings for this lesson and include content from these sources in your answers.
Describe a behavior that you have tried to change in the past or that you might want to change now or in the future. Imagine that you sought (or are seeking) help from a counselor to change that behavior. With that situation in mind, answer the following:
a. Using the five stages of change described in this lesson, identify self-statements that you made (or might make) during each stage of the change process. If you did not actually complete all five stages, you will need to anticipate the self-statements that you might make in the uncompleted stages.
b. Describe specifically how you would want a counselor to work with you to support the change process. Describe both the characteristics of the counselor's interactions with you, as well as specific techniques for helping you change.