
Describe 4 traditional mat exercises learned in class that

Written Assignment

The classic Pilates Mat Exercises were designed to include a well-rounded flow of movements. Describe 4 traditional mat exercises, learned in class, that would make up a balanced set of movements, including a combination of the following: spinal flexion, extension, lateral flexion (side-bending), and rotation. Be concise and clear. Use anatomical vocabulary, cues/directions, and imagery from class, as well as your own understanding and exploration of the movements. This assignment should be 2 pages in length.


We begin our Pilates Mat Class with a variety of movements and exercises based on the original Pilates Fundamentals: Breath, Concentration, Centering, Control, Precision andFlowing Movement. Our goal is to find a body/mind/spirit connection from which to achieve balance, core strength, proper alignment and kinesthetic awareness. We begin with breathing and imprinting the spine, small pelvic tucks, heels lowering, beginning curls/crunches and theraband stretches to name a few, before beginning with the following traditional/classic mat exercises.


1. The Hundred - lying on back, navel to spine, legs extended up to ceiling or at 45 degree angle, in upper abdominal curl, chin over chest, arms reaching straight forward by sides:

Inhale for 5 pumps of the arms, Exhale for 5 pumps. 10 full breaths = 100.

2. Roll Up -lying on back, legs extended, toes pointed, arms by ears, reaching back: Inhale bring arms to ceiling, exhaling begin rolling up, chin over chest, back rounded, one vertebra at a time until reaching past toes, inhale while rounded over legs, exhaling reverse the process, rolling down one vertebra at a time until back to starting position.

3. Leg Circle - lying on back, left leg straight on mat, right leg straight pointing up to ceiling, arms pressed strongly into the mat, navel to spine:

Inhale to prepare, exhaling cross right leg over body to the left, circle leg down towards mat, out to right side, and back to center. Reverse circle direction.

Repeat with Other Leg.Keep abs drawing in, and square hips and shoulders on the mat.

4. "Vacation Special"- on back, with chin over chest, navel to spine:

-Single Leg Stretch -right knee to chest, left leg extended over mat, left hand on shin near knee, right hand on shin near ankle. Inhale for 2 breaths, switch sides and exhale for 2 breaths.

-Single Leg Straight Leg Stretch -same as above but with both legs extended, doing a "scissor-like movement".

-Double Leg Stretch - start in small ball, head curled up, hands on shins. Inhale both legs stretch away from center on a 45 degree angle, squeezing inner thighs together, while arms reach up to frame head. Exhale circle arms around to grab legs that bend in.

-Criss-Cross - hands supporting base of skull in an upper abdominal curl, R knee bent into chest, L leg extended out on 45 degree angle. Inhale twist to reach L elbow to R knee, exhale switch to twist R elbow towards L knee.

-Legs Lowering - hands supporting base of skull in an upper abdominal curl. Legs straight up to the ceiling and together. Exhale to lower legs away from you, inhale to bring them back up to the ceiling.

5. Spine Stretch - start sitting with legs straight separated out in front of you in a small V, arms reaching forward, hands on mat:
Inhale to prepare, exhale to round forward, peeling one vertebra at a time off an imaginary wall behind you. Stay rounded as though over a ball, continually reaching fingers forward on mat.

Inhale to roll up and stack your spine back up from the tailbone to the head, ending sitting tall.

6. Saw - same legs as spine stretch, feet flexed. Arms out to sides in a horizontal line:

Inhale to twist to face R foot, exhale to round forward reaching Left hand to Right foot.

Inhale to stack spine back up (just like in spine stretch) and twist to face Left foot, Exhale to round forward reaching Right hand to Left foot. Both arms are always reaching out in opposition.

7. Swan - lying on stomach, hands on mat aside head, legs stay long and together on the mat. Always keep stomach muscles engaged:

Inhale to prepare, exhale to reach out through crown of the head and neck, lifting chest forward, and up, inhale to press into hands to give yourself more lift/extension, Exhale to lower back down longer than you began.

8. Shoulder Bridge - knees bent, feet on floor, armsby sides:

Inhale prepare, exhaling roll one vertebra at a time beginning with tailbone and ending in "bridge" position. Support raised position with hands on hips. Inhale, extend right leg to ceiling, pointed toes, exhaling, lower leg to level of left thigh, repeat 4x, return foot to mat and repeat with other leg. Remove hands and roll down to finish.

9. Spine Twist- sitting tall, legs together extended in front of you, feet flexed, arms in horizontal line, palms down:

Inhale prepare, exhale rotate body to right, repeat to other side.

10. Side Kick Series - lying on your Right side, on Right elbow, torso in 1 line, legs forward of body in a diagonal, Left arm palm down to mat:
Inhale top leg reaches forward flexed, Exhale sweep it to the back pointed.

Lift/Banana - lift legs and upper body together.

11. Teaser- lying on back fully extended on mat with arms reaching beyond head:

Inhale begin curling up, exhale bring body into a high V, reaching fingers toward pointed toes, inhale and exhale to return to starting position.

12. Swimming - lying prone, arms extended forward;

Inhale and exhale to prepare by lifting arms and legs off mat, keeping neck in good alignment. Alternate lifting opposite leg and arm in "swimming like" motion.

13. Leg Pull Front - in plank or push-up position:

Keep abdominals pulling up and in to protect the low back, thinking body is in one long line from head all the way out through heels. Inhale lift one leg slightly while pushing opposite heel closer to mat. Return on exhale. Alternate legs.

Movement terms to know and understand:

Spinal flexion
Spinal extension
Spinal hyper-extension
Spinal rotation
Lateral flexion
Transverse abdominals
Thoracic spine
Cervical spine
Lumbar spine


Course Description:

The Pilates Mat Class is an introduction to the Pilates Method with an emphasis on kinesthetic awareness and injury prevention. The traditional mat exercises will be introduced, analyzed and practiced with the goal being a thorough understanding of the work as it applies to the individual student.

Methods and Procedures:

The course will be taught by the instructor as a studio technique class. Students will be required to provide their own mat and theraband. The instructor will demonstrate and verbally explain each Pilates mat exercise, including primary focus of each movement, correct breathing techniques and modifications as deemed necessary. The students will practice each exercise and movement pattern as instructed by the teacher and apply corrections given both physically and verbally. There will be discussion of the work among the instructor and the class including question and answer and problem solving.

Course Content:

This course will cover the traditional Pilates Mat exercises as created by Joseph Pilates in his methods of Body Contrology. Discussion will include history of Joseph Pilates, the creator of the Method.

- Fundamentals of the Method: breath, control, centering, precision, fluid movement and concentration.
- Exploring spinal alignment, neutral pelvis
- Abdominal awareness and definition of the "Core" - transverse abdominals, diaphragm, pelvic floor, multifidous
- Appropriate stretching techniques
- The classic Pilates Mat exercises as originally devised by Joseph Pilates

Student Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of the 10-week course, the student will demonstrate:

- an understanding of the Pilates principle of breath as it relates to movement
- a heightened awareness of the "core"; strengthened abdominals and how they act as stabilizers and initiators of movement
- correct stretching techniques resulting in elongated musculature
- overall proper alignment, including the spine, pelvis and hip/knee/foot
- increased kinesthetic awareness
- techniques to reduce and eliminate injuries
- the traditional Pilates Mat repertoire


Dress code - students shall wear leotard and tights or tight fitting top and leggings. No shorts or bare midriffs. Warm up clothing is allowed until students are warm. Feet should be bare, clean and free of oils/lotions. Hair must be worn away from the face and neck so as not to interfere with movement. Jewelry should be kept to a minimum. No heavy scents please as the Pilates work requires constant and full breathing techniques.

Absences - students are expected to attend every class meeting. If the student is injured or not well, they may attend class and watch, take notes to be turned in at the end of class and receive credit for attendance. If the student is out sick, a doctor's note for verification will be required to excuse the absence. For any additional absences, the student's grade will be lowered by one step for each additional absence.

Promptness - students must be on time for class. When the student arrives after the roll has been taken, he/she will be counted as tardy.

Three tardies equal one absence. When arriving more than 10 minutes late, student will watch the remainder of the class.

Participation - students are expected to come to class with a positive attitude and energy to work. They should be willing to listen, discuss and question new ideas and techniques and be ready to apply the principals to their own bodies. The students should be enthusiastic and committed in their desire to improve their technique.

Written assignment - The classic Pilates Mat Exercises were designed to include a well-rounded flow of movements. Describe 4 traditional mat exercises, learned in class, that would make up a balanced set of movements, including a combination of the following: spinal flexion, extension, lateral flexion (side-bending), and rotation. Be concise and clear. Use anatomical vocabulary, cues/directions, and imagery from class, as well as your own understanding and exploration of the movements. This assignment should be 2 pages in length. Hard copy due - October 31, 2017. Students taking the class for the 2nd time - write a 2 page paper analyzing the following quote from the reading material - "he (Pilates) was trying to capture the best effects of both the Western and Eastern approaches to physical and mental conditioning in a unified, consistent system."

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Dissertation: Describe 4 traditional mat exercises learned in class that
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