Discuss the below:
Jone and associates carried out a study of sudden unexpected death in women. Data on smoking history are shown in the table:
Smoking 1+ Smoking <1
Pack/day Pack/day Total
Smoking 1 +pack/day 2 36 38
Smoking <1 pack/day 8 34 42
Total 10 70 80
Q1: Calculate the matched pair odds ratio for these data. Answer is 4.5 and What are the odds that the control smoke 1+ pack/day 1:7 or (0.143)
Q2: The book does not show the contingency table showing the numerical values for a, b, c, d. or the related formula for the measure of association (OR, PR, PAR, etc.) or a summary statement descirbing the relationship of the data and measure of association. e.g. Those who never eat raw fish have 1.55 times as much risk(higher incidence)as those who eat raw fish almost daily (RR= 1.55).