
Derogatory way in the media

https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTY3OTU0Mzky.html Watch this documentary till 50 mins. and answer most of following questions in an essay form.

1. What is the message that girls get from the media? is that message only directed to girls?

2. Why are powerful women treated in a derogatory way in the media? what do you think are the consequences of this? what is the message behind it?

3. Why do you think the media portray unattainable goals of beauty? Make sure you answer this question considering different theories.

4. Are women really trying to conform to men’s ideals, or are men also victims of the myriad media messages?

5.Why do you think advertisers want to make us feel anxious and insecure? what are the most latent consequences of this?

6. How is the objectification of women in the media affecting their roles in politics?

7. Why do you think the U.S., being such a liberal country, have less women in power than conservatives countries such as Afghanistan and Iran?

8. “You can’t be what you can’t see” from the video, How does this quote relate to women and the media?

9. What are the roles actresses get on Hollywood movies and T.V. series

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