
Dermatologists often remove small precancerous skin lesions

1. Suppose you are hiking down the Grand Canyon. At the top, the temperature early in the morning is a cool 4.69 oC. By late afternoon, the temperature at the bottom of the canyon has warmed to a sweltering 31.9 oC. What is the difference between the higher and lower temperatures in (a) Fahrenheit degrees and (b) kelvins?

2. You are sick, and your temperature is 311.1 kelvins. Convert this temperature to the Fahrenheit scale.

3. On the moon the surface temperature ranges from 381 K during the day to 1.03 x 102 K at night. Convert these temperatures to the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales. (a) 381 K in degrees Celsius; (b) 381 K in degrees Fahrenheit; (c) 1.03 x 102 K in degrees Celsius; (d) 1.03 x 102 K in degrees Fahrenheit.

4. Dermatologists often remove small precancerous skin lesions by freezing them quickly with liquid nitrogen, which may have a temperature as low as 78.1 K. What is this temperature on the (a) Celsius and (b) Fahrenheit scales?

5. A steel section of the Alaskan pipeline had a length of 50.7 m and a temperature of 15.5 oC when it was installed. What is its change in length when the temperature drops to a frigid -43.2oC?

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Physics: Dermatologists often remove small precancerous skin lesions
Reference No:- TGS01293347

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